All Lehigh University students, faculty, and staff are expected to complete online harassment training by Sunday, March 1, 2015. To register for and complete the training, please refer to the "Registration and Course Completion Instructions" below.
Tip: Be sure to set your pop-up blocker to allow
- Go to
- First-time users select the option "Register Now" on the right side of the screen
- Create a user-name (we recommend that you use your Lehigh email address (e.g. and provide information for a user profile using your full legal name
- Be sure to enter a valid Lehigh email address (e.g.
- For "Department", "Describe your position", and "Role", please select "Student"
- Enter the Institution Registration Code: View the registration code (authentication required)
- Click "Register", you will receive an email with a temporary password
- Follow the link in the email to sign on
- You will be prompted to enter a new password
- Select "Get Started" under "Show Some Respect! Prevent Harassment" from the list of learning programs and follow the instructions to take the course
- Go to
- First-time users select the option to "Register Now" on the right side of the screen
- Create a user-name (we recommend that you use your Lehigh email address (e.g. and provide information for a user profile using your full legal name
- Be sure to enter a valid Lehigh email address (e.g. and correct role at the University
- Select the department and position that is most applicable to you
- Enter the Institution Registration Code: View the registration code (authentication required)
- Click "Register", you will receive an email with a temporary password
- Follow the link in the email to sign on
- You will be prompted to enter a new password
- Select "Get Started" under "Workplace Harassment Prevention" from the list of learning programs
- Select "Get Started" under "Workplace Harassment Prevention 110"
- Select "Course" under "Take a Course" and "Module"
- Select "Open" to begin the course
NOTE: Two PDF documents are provided for your review: Overview of the Law on Harassment and Preventing Unlawful Harassment.
Getting Technical Support
EduRisk offers live individualized support through several channels. We recommend that you contact EduRisk for technical support from representatives trained and available to support EduRisk products. Below you will find contact information and some commonly asked questions and answers from the EduRisk Web site. You can also go to the EduRisk Support Portal.
Live EduRisk Phone Support: 301.830.4587
Online Chat: EduRisk Live Chat
EduRisk Technical FAQ links:
- Disabling your pop-up blocker: Google Chrome
- Disabling your pop-up blocker: Mozilla Firefox
- Disabling your pop-up blocker: Internet Explorer
- Installing and Enabling Flash Player
- System Requirements
If your technical questions are still not answered, Lehigh's LTS Help Desk may be able to assist you -- go to for LTS Help Desk hours and contact information.
FAQs from Lehigh University Students, Faculty, and Staff:
Q: Which harassment training course am I supposed to take?
A: All students are expected to take the course titled "Show Some Respect! Prevent Harassment" (SH-110-H). All faculty and staff members are expected to take the course titled "Workplace Harassment Prevention 110" (WH-110-H).
Q: What do I do if I have not received an email from UE with my password?
A: First, wait 15 minutes then check your "In-Box" for your temporary password from UE. After 15 minutes, and you still haven't received your password, check your "SPAM" folder. If not in either your "In-Box" or "SPAM" folder, call UE Live Assistance at 301.830.4587.
Q: Do I need to print out my completion certificate and turn it in to someone?
A: Unless your supervisor specifically requests that you print a certificate, you only need to verify under the "My Certificates" tab that the "Status" column indicates that the course has been completed. You can access the "My Certificates" tab by logging into the EduRisk Learning Portal ( and selecting the "My Certificates" tab from the top navigation bar. A University administrator will run a report to determine who has completed the training.
Q: Will the University administrator who runs the completion report be recording any information other than the fact that I took the training?
A: No. The only information that the administrator will record is your name and the date that you completed the course. The administrator will not have access to a score or grade and will be unable to determine how long it took you to complete the training. The report will be used solely as a tool to determine compliance with the training requirement.
Q: Are we required to read the two PDF articles title "Overview of the Law on Harassment" and "Preventing Unlawful Harassment" referenced below the course in order to satisfy this requirement?
A: No. However, we would encourage you to read the additional materials for your own educational purposes.
Q: I noticed after my registration that I have access to several other courses offered by United Educators, some of which could relate to my work or study at Lehigh. Am I required to take any of these additional courses?
A: No. You are not required to take any of these additional courses. However, you may take any additional courses that are of interest to you.
Q: Who do I contact if I want to find out if my training has been registered as completed?
A. To confirm that your training has been registered as completed, faculty and staff may contact the Human Resources Office by telephone at extension 83900 or by email at Students may contact the Office of the General Counsel by telephone at extension 83572 or by email at
For Course Content Questions, please contact Robin Schenkel in the Office of the General Counsel: Phone - 610.758.3572; Email -